Previously Purchased Adobe Creative Suite 6 Software Can Still Be Used
Although Adobe recently announced the discontinuation of educational licensing for Creative Suite 6, SHI ended sales for the software suite at the University of Arkansas last fall. Previously purchased copies of the software can still be used, but Adobe will no longer release updates or security patches. The suite is still available for individual purchase at full price from
Creative Cloud software packages are available to faculty and staff by purchasing an annual subscription for $150 at Users receive an Enterprise ID during the purchasing process that is used to download Creative Cloud software to their computers. Adobe manages subscriptions, updates and access by tracking usage of the software through the Enterprise ID.
When both Creative Cloud and Creative Suite 6 versions are installed on the same computer, users will find that saved files automatically open in Creative Cloud. To open a file with Creative Suite 6 software, right-click the file and mouse-over Open with. Select the CS6 version from the list.
Faculty and staff with Creative Cloud licenses can purchase work at home rights for $9.75 per year. Detailed purchasing information is available at
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Erin Griffin, documentation/user support specialist
IT Services