Males Needed for Research Study
Males needed for a research study to evaluate the effects of mild dehydration and heat stress on arterial health, sweating, and skin blood flow.
The study is seeking 30 males who are non-smokers; 18-39 years old; no chronic illness or injury, not taking any medications altering fluid balance.
You will receive a free body composition and bone density scan and report of (i.e. DEXA). You also will be entered into a $100 raffle.
This study will involve five visits to the Human Performance Laboratory (approximately 15 hours total); two visits involve passive exposure to the heat for approximately 1.5 hours where measurements of heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, and skin blood flow will be taken. Blood draws will also occur during testing (about 5 tablespoons collected over two weeks of testing).
For details, contact Ashley Six:; phone: 214-232-5925
The principal investigator is Matthew Ganio. This study has been approved by the University of Arkansas, Institutional Review Board for Human Studies, Fayetteville.
Ashley Six,