Spring 2015 Emerging Leaders Applications Now Available
Looking for an exciting way to develop your leadership skills at the You of A? There is a program just for you!
Emerging Leaders is an engaging leadership development program designed for first year students and others seeking to develop their leadership skills. This program meets once a week (either Monday or Thursday from 4-5:30 p.m.) for seven weeks and provides students with a chance to meet new people, explore new ideas, and become more involved in leadership opportunities. Participants are exposed to a variety of campus leadership opportunities ranging from student government, student organization officer positions, residence hall leadership positions, and student-mentoring positions.
Applications for Emerging Leaders will be accepted through Jan. 26. To download a copy of the application, please visit nsfp.uark.edu/4289.php. Completed applications can be returned to New Student & Family Programs in Arkansas Union A688 or e-mailed to Marissa Steimel at masteime@uark.edu by 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 26. For more information about the Emerging Leaders program, please contact New Student & Family Programs by phone at 479-575-5002 or visit leadership.uark.edu.
Matthew Meyers, program coordinator
New Student & Family Programs
479-575-5002, mgmeyers@uark.edu