U of A Doctoral Student Selected to Attend National Nephrology Meeting

J.D. Adams attended the American Society of Nephrology annual meeting in Philadelphia last month.
J.D. Adams, a doctoral student in exercise science at the University of Arkansas, was chosen by the American Society of Nephrology to be a Kidney STAR (Students and Residents) and attended the society’s annual meeting last month in Philadelphia.
Adams works as a research assistant in the Human Performance Laboratory in the College of Education and Health Professions. He wrote a short essay on why he is interested in nephrology research in order to be chosen for the honor among other students, medical residents and researchers from across the country.
“My response in the essay was that I would like to investigate the impact of hydration and fluid intake on chronic diseases and illnesses,” Adams said. “I also wrote that my grandfather passed away of bladder cancer, and I was wondering if there was any correlation with him hardly ever drinking water during the 25 years that I knew him.”
The award paid Adams’ travel and free registration for the meeting. He was matched with four of his peers who are researchers, and the group worked with a mentor, meeting and attending various clinical sessions and hearings. Adams also attended a gala at which the attendees had the opportunity to meet each other.
Adams met hydration researchers, faculty and medical doctors from all over the world, including William Clark of the London Health Sciences Center. Clark is scheduled to speak on the U of A campus in February.
“I attended nearly every session on fluid and electrolyte balance and heard several talks about the process of dialysis,” Adams said.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, heidisw@uark.edu