U of A to Test Inclement Weather Message System; Time to Make Sure You've Opted In

During inclement weather www.uark.edu will prominently feature important information.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The current blast of arctic weather – and local forecasts calling for a chance of light snow – are reminders that it’s time to get ready for winter storms, before they happen. One way students, faculty and staff can prepare is by making sure they can receive U of A inclement weather messages.
When the safety of students, faculty and staff may be affected by weather conditions, university administrators will decide if classes and operations need to be canceled, delayed or closed early. That decision will be communicated to the campus community first through the U of A inclement weather message system.
A test alert will be sent through this system at noon today, Thursday, Nov. 13, by email, text and voice message. Being part of this system is optional, so only those who have signed up for the alerts receive them.
Now is a good time to make sure you are signed up and your information is current and correct. If you don’t receive the test messages you expect on Nov. 13, you will know you need to check your sign-up information.
Students can do this by logging into ISIS, going to the “Personal Information” section and choosing “Campus Alert Systems” from the drop-down menu. Tip: Make sure your primary text number is the one you want to receive alerts. Many students have their parents’ phone numbers listed as the primary, and therefore miss some key alerts.
Faculty and Staff
Faculty and staff can check and update alert information through their BASIS accounts, using the “My Personal Data” section, and going to “Addresses, etc.” Tip: Text and email are fastest. Phone delivery is reliable but takes the longest.
Additional help signing up for weather alerts is available on the RazAlert website.
The U of A also posts inclement weather messages on its homepage, Facebook page and Twitter account. Information is also available by calling the University of Arkansas Weather Hotline at 575-7000.
This year the university homepage – uark.edu. – will also be used to display a variety of weather-related information. This will include the current campus status update, live bus route information, and links to maps showing the priorities for campus snow removal.
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations