Army ROTC Cadets Active in First Months of Fall Semester
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Cadets in the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps at the U of A have had an active semester, with activities specific to ROTC training and others involving major campus and community events.
The semester started with the cadets gathering for the annual Welcome Picnic at Wilson Park on September 4. This event lets cadets from different classes get to know each other and get better acquainted with the program. Cadet Commander Luke McQuilkin and Lt. Colonel Chuck Pudil greeted the cadets. Those who attended summer training programs were recognized for their accomplishments.
On the anniversary of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, Army ROTC cadets joined members of the U of A Air Force ROTC, the University of Arkansas Fort Smith Army ROTC, the UAPD, the Fayetteville Fire Department, members of the 142nd Fires Brigade, and the Northwest Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy for the second annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium. The climb began at 4:45 a.m., with each participant climbng up and down the stadium enough times to equal the height of one of the World Trade Center Towers, to honor the victims and the first responders of 9/11.
On Sept. 18, Army ROTC cadets went through the annual Combat Water Survival Test at the HPER pool. This is an important part of the ROTC curriculum, measuring a cadet’s strength and abilities in the water. Passing the test is a commissioning requirement for all cadets.
During the weekend of October 3-5, the U of A hosted the Regional Ranger Challenge at Fort Chaffee to test cadets’ physical fitness, leadership, and technical/tactical knowledge. A total of 121 cadets competed in 11 teams from eight universities. The competition consisted of 6 event stations spread over 12-14 miles of training area of western Arkansas. Teams were graded on their knowledge of skill level tasks while navigating from location to location carrying 35 pound backpacks. Northeastern Oklahoma State cadets won first place, with Cameron University taking second, and the U of A placing third.
University of Arkansas Army and Air Force ROTC cadets assisted the North West Arkansas Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America in raising and lowering 98 flags on the lawn of the NWA Veterans Administration Hospital on Thursday, Oct. 16 in support of the VA Commander’s Conference. Cadets, and numerous civilians raised the flags at 6:45 a.m. and a second group returned at 4 p.m. to help lower, fold and store the National Colors, which had been donated to the VA Hospital by family members of deceased retirees or veterans.
Two new cadets, Jarrod Almond and Abigail McVay, were sworn in on Tuesday Oct. 14. To qualify new cadets must express a desire to serve in the Army after graduation, maintain the GPA requirements, pass the Army physical fitness test and take the Oath of Enlistment. Once they have graduated and completed the ROTC program cadets take the Oath of the Commissioned Officer.
The Army ROTC Color Guard has also been active this semester, having presented the colors at seven community events, one veteran’s event and, with the Air Force ROTC Color Guard, at four home Razorback football games. During the nationally televised game with Alabama the cadets were briefly spotted on national TV.
Diane Smith, administrative specialist
U.S. Army ROTC