Staff Senate CANpaign for the Full Circle Food Pantry
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark -- The University of Arkansas Staff Senate is sponsoring a campus-wide canned food drive in which the acquired donations will be given to the Full Circle Food Pantry.
The Full Circle Food Pantry provides food and hygiene products to students, staff, faculty, and their families. Currently they provide this service for approximately 200 people per week.
This canned food drive will be held biannually through the months of October-December and March-April. We are asking that staff members provide at least two cans or non-perishable food items for their participation in this campus community service effort. These donations will help provide for those in our campus community who may find themselves in need.
Currently the most needed Items are:
- Tuna
- Canned chicken
- Peanut butter
- Toiletries
- Canned soup
- Dry beans
- Cereal
- Mashed potato mix
- Reusable shopping bags
For additional items, please see the pantry's Amazon Wish List.
If you would like to make a donation, items can be dropped off during the regular Staff Senate Meeting (2nd Thursday, 9:30am – 11:00 am, ARKU 507-508), with your Staff Senate Senator or at the following locations:
4 West Avenue Annex Building
AGRI 217-C
5th floor of Old Main - room 518
Trish Watkins, Staff Senate Chair
AGRI 217