September 'Of The Months'
Every month, the National Residence Hall Honorary awards students and faculty who exhibit the best qualities for each category. September was a fantastic month for OTMs. The organization saw 73 OTMs submitted for this first month! NRHH would like to thank all who nominated and sent in OTMs for September. Here are the campus winners this month.
- Nominator: Nina Rivero
- Nominee: Zach Hein
Community Service Program
- Nominator: Molly McKinstry
- Nominee: Tri-Cycle Farms
- Nominator: Andrea Allan
- Nominee: Seth Harpell
Custodial/Maintenance Honorable Mention
- Nominator: Samantha Brandeberry
- Nominee: Heather Starr
Desk Attendant
- Nominator: Marsha Kim Huh
- Nominee: Tia King
Educational Program
- Nominator: Candace Brown and Moriah Senteney
- Nominee: Chocolate Wasted
Executive Board Member
- Nominator: Samantha Brandeberry
- Nominee: Julia Trupp
First Year Student
- Nominator: Nick Stauffer
- Nominee: Meahgan Duggan
Institution Faculty/Staff
- Nominator: Amanda Bobo
- Nominee: Brandon Jackson
- Nominator: Nick Stauffer
- Nominee: SOOIE
Residence Life Faculty/Staff
- Nominator: Eric J. Hall
- Nominee: Andrew Thomas
Resident Assistant
- Nominator: Trevor Page
- Nominee: Colleen Kretzer
Residential Community
- Nominator: Shayna Fuentes
- Nominee: Founders Hall
Social Program
- Nominator: Trevor Page
- Nominee: Coke Floats and Cute Quotes
- Nominator: Julia Trupp
- Nominee: 2nd Floor RA Staff of Maple Hill East
Spotlight Honorable Mention
- Nominator: Kelli Holzwarth
- Nominee: University of Arkansas Police Department
- Nominator: Jalen Smith
- Nominee: Claire Andrews
Again. NRHH would like to thank all those that nominated. Keep your eyes peeled for more great people and events to write OTMs about because they really do make a difference.
If anyone is interested in writing OTMs, the website is If you have any questions, please email the OTM Chair Julia Trupp at Spread a little cheer and recognize someone! Also, follow the organization on twitter @UofA_NRHH! We have fun.
Jervae' Franklin, NRHH public relations coordinator