Honors College Offers New Quicker, Easier Study Abroad Grant Opportunity

Andrew Casey, here in Cinque Terre, Italy, received a study abroad grant from the Honors College.
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Andrew Casey, here in Cinque Terre, Italy, received a study abroad grant from the Honors College.

Honors College students who want to study abroad have a new option for grant support. Starting now, honors students may apply for Study Abroad Airfare Grants that roughly cover the average cost of airfare.

“Airfare is frequently a prohibitive cost for our students, particularly with short-term study abroad programs,” said Carol Gattis, associate dean of the Honors College. 

The new grant has an easier, shorter application, and faculty members are not required to write letters for students who apply. Instead, an Honors College staff member will call and have a quick visit with faculty members who are listed as a reference.

The new airfare grant was created in response to demand –– applications for study abroad grants have tripled in the last four years.

“We’ll be able to award a higher percentage of these grants, compared to the traditional study abroad grants,” Gattis said. “And that’s good news, because we like to get our students overseas for the life-changing experiences that study abroad provides.”

The first deadline to apply for Airfare Study Abroad Grants is at 4 p.m. Oct. 9. For more information visit Airfare Study Abroad Grants.

Honors College students with sophomore standing and the required number of completed honors hours may apply for the Traditional Study Abroad Grant. New guidelines for funding have taken the guesswork out of this grant; the first deadline is 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12. For more information visit Traditional Study Abroad Grants.



Rani Achhireddy, grant and educational research specialist
Honors College
479-575-7679, rachhir@uark.edu

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