Griffin to Direct Curriculum Review, Program Assessment for Academic Affairs

Alice Griffin
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Alice Griffin

Alice Griffin, student affairs coordinator for the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences has been named director of curriculum review and program assessment, effective Sept. 8. As the director of curriculum review and program assessment, Griffin will coordinate the review of each department, program, center and institute, and administer the campus program and course change/review process. In addition, she will work with the Office of Retention and Graduation, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, and Enrollment Services to develop and analyze assessments associated with the activities proposed in the Quality Initiative Proposal to the Higher Learning Commission for the reaccreditation of the University of Arkansas and other campus assessments.  

Currently, as student affairs coordinator, Griffin provides leadership for the organization and day-to-day management of student advising programs and academic enhancement programs related to retention efforts. Prior to joining the University of Arkansas she served at NorthWest Arkansas Community College as registrar. 

Alice Griffin has been with the University of Arkansas for the past 10 years. She obtained an Master of Science in Counseling in student personnel services in higher education from the University of Central Arkansas and a Bachelor of Science in rehabilitation psychology from Central Missouri State University. 

Terry Martin, vice provost for academic affairs, indicated that he is “very pleased that Alice Griffin is accepting the position. It is great that she will take her skills as a collaborative leader to coordinate the program review and assessment efforts on our campus.”


Jessica Hulse, HEI program coordinator
Academic Affairs

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