Academic Integrity: Keep Your Compass With You

Academic Integrity: Keep Your Compass With You
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College is an adventure. Upon this journey think of academic integrity as your compass, and keep it with you on the road ahead. It’ll lead you to the right path. And if you ever lose your way, the Academic Initiatives and Integrity Office is here to help get you back on track. Know the policy, and let truth be your guide.

About the Academic Initiatives and Integrity Office:
Through the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, Academic Initiatives and Integrity strives to create a culture of honesty and personal and professional responsibility among University of Arkansas students, faculty and staff. As a community of scholars we uphold academic integrity as foundational to appropriate conduct within the university setting. Academic Initiatives and Integrity manages outreach efforts for policy education and facilitates the university’s process for alleged violations with the All-University Academic Integrity Board.


Monica Holland, Ph.D., executive director/deputy Title IX coordinator
Academic Initiatives and Integrity

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