Kang Named Global Campus Employee of the Year

Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education, presents Miran Kang with her award.
Miran Kang has been named employee of the year by the University of Arkansas Global Campus.
Kang, director of the Instructional Design and Support Services unit, received the award after being named the Global Campus’s employee of the fourth quarter. Nancy Arnold was the employee of the first quarter, Aaron Jones won the honor for the second quarter, and Beverly Wade won the award for the third quarter.
Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education, presented the award to Kang.
“Miran and her team have excelled in answering the university’s call to enhance and expand online education,” Reyes said. “Miran’s co-workers recognize the work she has done with faculty and administrators to increase online offerings, to advocate for course design that meets national quality standards, and to develop training for instructors of online and on-campus courses. She has earned this award.”
The Global Campus initiated an employee recognition program in 2013 to recognize outstanding achievement and accomplishments that relate to the unit’s goals and the mission of the University of Arkansas.
The honoree is selected by a vote of all Global Campus employees. The award winner receives a commemorative certificate and a monetary award.
Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus
479-575-6489, ksmurphy@uark.edu