First year students: Get involved with ASG now through Fresh HOGS

First year students: Get involved with ASG now through Fresh HOGS
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The application period for the Fresh HOGS program is open through noon on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. The application is available at:  Students can log in with a valid email address.  The application is now open for any freshman student entering in summer or fall 2014 who meet co-curricular requirements.

Interested students are invited to attend an informational session at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 28, in the hallway outside Associated Student Government office, Arkansas Union A669.

Fresh HOGS is the premier student government leadership program at the University of Arkansas. The “Freshman Helping Our Government Succeed” program is a semester-long, comprehensive leadership and personal development program designed to integrate and introduce freshmen to Associated Student Government and the shared governance process at the University of Arkansas. Fresh HOGS commit to serve for one academic semester. A total of 20 students will be selected for the fall cohort with a new 20-member cohort being selected for the spring 2015 semester.

Fresh HOGS participate in Senate and Judicial simulations, serve office hours, sit on various committees, attend bi-monthly meetings, learn about leadership and service, and gain the tools and skills necessary to be future ASG and campus leaders.

“Fresh HOGS is a great way for freshman to get involved on campus,” said Jessi Hicks, Fresh HOGS coordinator. “This interactive program seeks to develop leadership skills among the students involved, and is a wonderful opportunity to motivate students to succeed here at the University of Arkansas. The deadline for the applications is Sept. 3, and I would highly encourage all freshmen to apply.”

Interviews for the Fresh HOGS program will be conducted on Monday, Sept. 8, and Tuesday, Sept. 9, in the Arkansas Union. Any questions should be referred to Jessi Hicks, Fresh HOGS coordinator, For more information on the Fresh HOGS program or Associated Student Government, go to

The Associated Student Government at the University of Arkansas is a student-led organization that acts as an organized voice for all students and strives to effectively represent student interest.


Jessi Hicks, Fresh HOGS Coordinator
Associated Student Government

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