Save Time with BorrowItNow Interlibrary Loan Service
Just when you thought interlibrary loan couldn’t get any faster, it does! BorrowItNow enhances traditional interlibrary loan service by allowing library users to search for and request books directly from libraries of the Greater Western Library Alliance, a consortium of 33 research libraries located in the central and western United States.
BorrowItNow transmits real-time availability and call numbers. This means that requests are processed more quickly and items arrive at their destination sooner. Connect to BorrowItNow directly, or, use Find More! from the library catalog. Submit requests through your ILLiad account. This service is available to all students, faculty and staff. Don’t worry—it’s easy!
The Greater Western Library Alliance developed a three-year pilot project during which member libraries will test and refine the system. They appreciate your feedback. Visit or call 575-5311.
Molly Boyd, Assistant to the Dean
University Libraries