Patterson Adds Eight New Scholarships at U of A
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – James Patterson, internationally acclaimed New York Times best-selling author, has created an additional eight teacher-education scholarships at the University of Arkansas. Patterson established the James Patterson Teacher Education Scholarship last academic year for eight incoming freshmen planning to major in elementary education.
“Once again, we are honored to be recognized by James Patterson with this gift to support our students,” said Chancellor G. David Gearhart. Patterson, who writes both mysteries and children’s books, contacted the chancellor last year to discuss the possibility of the scholarship fund. “We share Mr. Patterson’s belief in the role of strong teachers to ensure that all children have the literacy skills they need, not only to learn but also to truly enjoy learning and reading.”
The additional gift from Patterson brings the total for the upcoming year to $96,000.
Recipients will receive $6,000 each for the 2014-15 academic school year. In order to be eligible, a student must be enrolled full time in an education program in the College of Education and Health Professions and have expressed an interest in pursuing a career as an elementary school teacher with a focus on reading and literacy.
“This is an incredibly generous offer being made to our students by Mr. Patterson and his family,” said Tom Smith, dean of the college. “We are encouraged that he decided to expand upon his original gift. Increasing support for students is a top priority of the college.”
The deadline to apply is July 21. Information is available by emailing One student who received the scholarship last year has changed majors so a total of nine new freshmen will receive the award for the upcoming year, and the scholarship has been renewed for the other seven recipients from last year.
Patterson’s gift to the University of Arkansas is similar to scholarships he has funded at Vanderbilt, Michigan State University, the University of Wisconsin, Howard University and Appalachian State University.
According to Nielsen BookScan, Patterson has sold more books in the past decade than any other writer, some 300 million copies of 130 novels worldwide.
A lifelong champion of books and reading, his “James Patterson Pageturner Awards” reward groups and individuals for creative and effective ways of spreading the joy of reading, and his website helps adults find books that children will love to read. Patterson also donates thousands of books to troops overseas.
Tom Smith, dean
College of Education and Health Professions
Heidi Wells, content writer and strategist
Global Campus