University Housing Hosts Faculty and Staff Appreciation Lunch
During the 2013-14 academic year, more than 30 faculty and staff participated in academic initiatives hosted by University Housing Residence Education staff, such as academic/social programs, living learning community programs, and the Adopt-a-Prof program. On Wednesday May 14, University Housing hosted a faculty/staff appreciation lunch in their honor.
Living Learning Communities were created to provide extracurricular education, vibrant experience, and real life exposure while cultivating strong future world leaders through collaborative residential community, faculty involvement, and student engagement.
For the 2014-15 academic year, there will be seven active Living Learning Communities which include, Business, Engineering, Nursing, Pre-Medical, Communications Disorders, Diversity Scholars and Air Force ROTC.
The Adopt-A-Prof program identifies at minimum, one faculty member per residence hall who partnered with staff to provide opportunities for interaction between students and faculty. Faculty members who agreed to participate were asked to attend at least one staff “meet and greet” and two hall events per semester.
University Housing would like to thank the following individuals for their participation and support of our academic initiatives!
- Lisa Bowers, communication disorders LLC
- Kate Chapman, psychology – Maple Hill West
- Sean Connors, English – Maple Hill East
- Danielle Dunn, business LLC
- Brande’ Flack, Diversity Scholars Program LLC
- Joel Freund, psychology – Holcomb/Futrall
- Adrienne Gaines, engineering LLC
- Gwynne Gertz, english – Pomfret
- Brooke Huizenga, nursing LLC
- David Joliffe, English – Maple Hill East
- Capt. Sean Kreps, Air Force ROTC LLC
- Jeanne McLaughlin, pre-medical LLC
- Matt McIntosh, chemistry – Humphreys
- Carlos Ochoa Jr., sustainability LLC
- Janine Parry, political science – Founders
- Curt Rom, horticulture – Maple Hill South
- George Schieffler, history – Humphreys
- Stephanie Schulte, communication – Pomfret
- Carole Shook, business – Yocum
- Ron Smith, business – Yocum
- Jacquelyn Wiersma, human environmental science – Gregson/Gibson
- Anna Zajicek-Wagema, sociology – Pomfret
If you are interested in participating in one or more of University Housing’s academic program initiatives, please contact Stephanie G. Adams at for more information.
Stephanie G. Adams, Ed.D, Associate Director for Academic Engagement
University Housing