New Housing Administration Building Dedication To Be Held This Friday, May 16

University Housing staff has a new home of their own. The Housing Administration Building is being dedicated in a ceremony at 10 a.m. this Friday, May 16.

The University of Arkansas housed more than 5,300 students on campus this past Fall semester, but until February of this year housing staff were split up and located in buildings across campus. That all changed when the Housing Administration Building opened in February and staff started moving into their new offices.

“With University Housing being relocated back to one central office, students, parents and guests can access all of our services in one convenient location,” said Flo Johnson, executive director of University Housing. “At times there are more than 65 people working in this fantastic new facility.”

The building houses four functional areas of the housing department, residential facilities, administrative services, business and information technology, and residential education. In addition to the regular staff, student staff also has space in the new building.

“We also have office space for the student leadership of the Residents’ Interhall Congress, as well as three open work spaces for various student staff from conference to technical assistants,” Johnson said.

The building dedication will include remarks by Chancellor G. David Gearhart, Vice Provost for Student Affairs Danny Pugh, and Flo Johnson, executive director of University Housing. There will be light refreshments and tours available after the ceremony.

The building is located at 960 W. Douglas St. near the Jean Tyson Child Development Center.


scott flanagin, director of communications
division of student affairs

Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations

News Daily