Distinguished Lecture Membership Application Due Friday
Applications are now available for the 2014-15 Distinguished Lectures Committee. Membership positions are both available and all students who meet co-curricular requirements are eligible to apply.
There are an equal number of voting-student and voting-faculty members of the Distinguished Lectures Committee. Eight voting faculty positions come from faculty senate and one voting faculty position represents the Rockefeller Speaker Series. One student member of the committee serves as student co-chair, and four student members are called project leaders, one each to be responsible for one of the four major planning areas (lecture logistics, marketing/social media, hospitality, receptions, advertising and student poll). The two other student members are nominated by the ASG vice president during the fall semester, recommended by the ASG Student Senate, and appointed by the vice provost for student affairs.
The application is available here and must be returned to the office of student activities (Arkansas Union A665). The application is due April 18 by 5 p.m. For any questions call 479-575-5255.
Rosa Edwards,
Office of Student Activities
479-575-5255, osa@uark.edu