Staff Senate Nominations Open April 2

Do you find yourself wondering “How can I be a part of one of the most influential groups on campus, shaping policy and procedures to better the working environment of the staff?” or  “How can I be counted among these good-looking, clever people I see on the Staff Senate?”

The answer will soon be just a click away! The nominations link for the Staff Senate positions will be open April 2 for all full-time staff members. Once the link is available, all 100 percent appointed staff members will be able to select staff from their division and at-large. They may also nominate themselves for a position. If you are interested in joining the Senate, you will need at least one year of employment under your belt and the approval of your supervisor. Staff Senate is a time commitment of at least one meeting per month with additional involvement in occasional sub-committee meetings and service throughout the year. Those who want to run this year should advertise themselves within their department or division—let people know you want them to nominate you!  Only those individuals with the most nominations will make it on the election ballot, and elections will be announced shortly after nominations close.

Staff Senate will also open up its blog to allow folks to see who in each division is running and let nominees advertise themselves for nominations. So if you are in a small department or can’t use your departmental listserv to advertise yourself as a Staff Senate nominee, you can use this system to announce your candidacy. Every full-time staff member will have access to view or post, and it will be available for the duration of the nomination period, April 2-9.

The following positions will be open this year:

  • 5 openings in the Academic Affairs Division (all colleges, library, student affairs, etc.),
  • 2 openings in Finance and Administration (e.g. FAMA, UITS, UAPD, Transit and Parking),
  • 0 openings in Agriculture (e.g. Extension Stations, Poultry Science, and anyone reporting to VP of Agriculture).
  • 1 openings in Chancellor/System (e.g. Chancellor’s Office, Athletics, Legal Counsel, etc.)
  • 1 openings in Advancement (e.g. University Development, Relations, Alumni, Special Events, etc.)
  • 2 openings in the At-Large category, meaning any staff member from any division may be nominated. 

All of these openings will be for three-year terms. So if you would like to get involved, or you know just the person for the job, keep your eyes peeled for news about Staff Senate nomination.


Chris Nixon, Elections Chair for Staff Senate
Staff Senate


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