University Libraries Participate in Royal Society of Chemistry's Gold for Gold Open Access Publishing Initiative

University Libraries Participate in Royal Society of Chemistry's Gold for Gold Open Access Publishing Initiative
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The University Libraries are participating in a new initiative from the Royal Society of Chemistry that will enable University of Arkansas scholars to publish their articles open access in any of the 34 RSC journals free of charge utilizing the RSC’s 2014 Gold for Gold program. RSC launched this program to help researchers who want to publish their articles Gold Open Access, but lack funds to pay the open access article processing charge. This initiative provides RSC Gold subscribers, including the University of Arkansas Libraries, with voucher codes that the University of Arkansas researchers can use to make papers available for open access.

This initiative gives the Libraries their first chance to work with a publisher on open access, which will be monitored for campuswide interest and participation as future opportunities arise. Dan J. Davis, chair of the chemistry and biochemistry department, said, “I enthusiastically support the involvement of the University of Arkansas in the RSC Open Access system. In today's rapidly developing scientific programs, availability of timely access to published materials is assumed by most funding agencies, and anything we can do to enhance the visibility of work for this campus will result in wider readership, increased citations and awareness, as increased competitiveness. The voucher system of RSC is a good way to get this program going.”

The Libraries have 25 RSC voucher codes available for 2014 and will assign them on a first-come, first-served basis. Voucher codes can be used to publish a communication, full paper, review, or technical note in one of the 32 selected RSC journals under the publisher’s Gold OA option, (normally a £1,600 fee for each article). Authors provide the code upon acceptance of their article in an RSC journal. For details, see "What is the process for authors under this initiative?" on this FAQ. The final “article of record” is made available to all, immediately, via the Gold OA website without any barriers to access, downloading, sharing, or duplication, so long as the author and original sources are properly cited.

To request a voucher code, contact Luti Salisbury at, providing the correspondence from RSC documenting acceptance of the article and showing the name of the author(s), journal title, and article title. The Gold for Gold program includes works accepted in RSC journals from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. For more information about open access, visit the Libraries' LibGuide.

The Royal Society of Chemistry journals included are:

  • Analyst
  • Analytical Methods
  • Biomaterials Science
  • Catalysis Science & Technology
  • Chemical Communications
  • Chemical Science
  • Chemical Society Reviews
  • CrystEngComm
  • Dalton Transactions
  • Energy & Environmental Science
  • Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
  • Faraday Discussions
  • Food & Function
  • Green Chemistry
  • Integrative Biology
  • Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (JAAS)
  • Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C
  • Lab on a Chip
  • MedChemComm
  • Metallomics
  • Molecular BioSystems
  • Nanoscale
  • Natural Product Reports
  • New Journal of Chemistry
  • Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
  • Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
  • Physical Chemistry Chemical
  • Physics (PCCP)
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • RSC Advances
  • Soft Matter
  • Toxicology Research


Luti Salisbury, Head of Chemistry / Biochemistry Library
University Libraries

Jennifer Rae Hartman, public relations coordinator
University Libraries

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