New Vice Provost Position Created to Focus on Faculty
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Ro Di Brezzo, vice provost for academic affairs, has been named to fill a new position in the Division of Academic Affairs. She will serve as the first vice provost for faculty development and enhancement.
“This new position is needed to provide better support to our outstanding faculty at the University of Arkansas,” said Chancellor G. David Gearhart. “Provost Gaber and I agreed on the importance of creating this position, and we could think of no one on campus better suited to serve in this role than Dr. Di Brezzo. She has the breadth of knowledge and experience needed to develop the scope of these essential programs.”
The new position will oversee the Teaching and Faculty Support Center, the Teaching Academy, and the associate professor mentorship program “Advancing Associate Professors.” DiBrezzo had already directed these programs and in her new position will expand them, while adding new programs to fully engage faculty.
“Our faculty are key to the University of Arkansas goal of being recognized as a top 50 public research university,” said Sharon Gaber, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. “Ro Di Brezzo has long been a strong advocate for faculty, faculty development and faculty promotion -- as both a University Professor and a co-founder of the Teaching and Faculty Support Center. Her leadership will an important factor in the university’s ability to reach our academic goals.”
“The faculty are our greatest asset and well worth the investment,” said Di Brezzo. “I hope I serve them as they deserve.”
Sharon Gaber, provost and vice chancellor
Academic Affairs
Ro Di Brezzo, vice provost
Academic Affairs
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations