Greek Life 'Strolls' for a Good Cause
The University of Arkansas’ National PanHellenic Council and Greek Life Facilitators hosted the annual Stroll: Greek Week Fundraiser on Monday, Feb. 17.
Traditionally, “strolling” is characterized as party walking. It is a synchronized routine that is set to music and typically performed in a single file line. Stroll originated in the 1920s and was initially performed by multicultural sororities and fraternities. However, at the University of Arkansas, it has become a tradition to have all of Greek life participate in the strolling competition. Sororities and fraternities were paired together and created dance routines that combined different styles of music, rhythm, and energy. During the competition judging was based on originality, difficulty, creativity, and synchronization. At the end of the night the awards were announced and the top three places went to:
- 1st Place: Delta Delta Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Delta Sigma Theta
- 2nd Place: Chi Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and FarmHouse
- 3rd Place: Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Nu, and Phi Beta Sigma
Hailey Chapman, a sophomore,and member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, said, “It was great to see everyone come together to support all of the chapters on campus, and it was great that we were all able to helping out a good cause at the same time.”
While the routines were extraordinary and the competition was highly competitive, this event aimed to do more than showcase our talented students. Spectators paid an entrance fee of $5 (before the show) or $7 at the door, and were also asked to bring a toiletry item. The proceeds from the show, which sold out, went to the Greek Life Scholarship fund.
This fund allows the university to help students participate in Greek Life, who otherwise would not have the means to do so. The toiletry items that were collected were donated to Seven Hills, an organization aimed to help homeless individuals and families get the support they need to become self-sufficient.
Through this event and others like it Arkansas Greek Life has been able to foster a sense of support for one another within the school, while also helping to better the Fayetteville community.
Madeline Smith, Student Affairs Intern
Division of Student Affairs