It Is Not Too Late to Get Vaccinated
The Arkansas Department of Health reported earlier this month that the flu season has arrived in Arkansas.
Dirk Haselow, state epidemiologist and medical director for communicable disease and immunizations for the ADH stated, “last year was the worst flu year in Arkansas in over 35 years. Compared to last year at this time we are seeing similar levels of flu-related emergency department visits and nearly double the reports of flu-related outpatient visits. This season has all the markings of being a severe one.”
At the Pat Walker Health Center, “we have had very few flu cases (about one to two cases per week since December),” said Mary Alice Serafini, assistant vice provost of student affairs and executive director of the Pat Walker Health Center. However, “with the return of students, faculty and staff to campus for the spring term, we usually experience an increase in flu cases.”
The Pat Walker Health Center continues to offer flu vaccines to students ($20), and faculty/staff ($30). The Arkansas Department of Health recommends flu vaccination for all eligible persons six months of age and older. “Flu immunization remains one of the most important, cost effective, and impactful public health and medical interventions that we have,” said Haselow.
If an individual experiences flu-like symptoms it is important to seek treatment quickly, as early medical intervention can reduce the severity of the flu. Additionally, anyone who experiences influenza with a fever should isolate themselves, and be fever free for 24 hours before returning to class or work to avoid passing the virus on to others.
Serafini said, “Both university housing and dining are very helpful and effective in assisting students who are ill. The entire University of Arkansas community is encouraged to practice good respiratory hygiene so that we can all minimize the impact of influenza this spring.”
To schedule a flu vaccine please call the allergy, immunization and travel clinic at the Pat Walker Health Center at 579-575-7723.
Learn more at ‘Prevention is the Key,’ a YouTube video created by UAProductions.
Katie Gottshalk, assistant director of communications
Pat Walker Health Center