Arnold Named Global Campus Employee of the Quarter

Nancy Arnold and Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education
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Nancy Arnold and Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education

Nancy Arnold, director of credit studies, was named employee of the first quarter by the Global Campus.

Arnold, who holds a doctorate degree in higher education, heads the Global Campus team that administers self-paced online (correspondence) courses, staffs a testing center and collaborates with the university’s academic colleges and schools that offer self-paced online courses. Arnold began working at the Global Campus as a graduate assistant in 1999, holding several positions before rising to the level of director in 2011.

The Global Campus recently initiated this employee recognition program to formally recognize outstanding achievement and accomplishments that relate to the unit goals of the Global Campus and the mission of the University of Arkansas. The honoree is selected by a vote of all Global Campus employees.

The first quarter’s nominees were Arnold, Shiela Bowerman, Tara Dryer, Aaron Jones, Penny Mills, Rebecca Morrison, Lesa Moyer and Kay Murphy.

The winner of the award receives a commemorative plaque and a monetary award.


Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus

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