Hat, Glove, & Scarf Drive

Hat, Glove, & Scarf Drive flyer. Warm winter items will be collected through Jan. 16, 2014.
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Hat, Glove, & Scarf Drive flyer. Warm winter items will be collected through Jan. 16, 2014.

The office of diversity and inclusion at the Sam M. Walton College of Business and the Volunteer Action Center have collaborated to sponsor a Hat, Glove, & Scarf Drive. Students, faculty and staff began collecting new and gently used winter items on Dec. 1 and will continue until Jan. 16, 2014. All warm winter items collected will be donated to Seven Hills Homeless Shelter, Fayetteville Public Schools Outback, and the Peace At Home Family Shelter.

“Fayetteville has already experienced a winter storm this year, and many people in our community didn’t have winter clothes to keep warm” said Deven D. Chambers, graduate assistant for the office of diversity and inclusion. “We are excited about this project and the opportunity to spread warmth to those in need in our community.”

Collection sites will be located at sponsoring offices and departments across campus, including the Center for Multicultural and Diversity Education in the Arkansas Union and the office of diversity and inclusion at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.

If you are interested in donating items, please visit one of the many collection sites on campus or contact the office of diversity and inclusion for more information. Please see the attached flyer for a full list of participating sponsors.


Rebecca Adams, Administrative Specialist III
Office of Diversity & Inclusion
479-575-4557, radams@walton.uark.edu

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