Petitions to Run for Associated Student Government Secretary Now Available

Petitions to Run for Associated Student Government Secretary Now Available
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Petitions are now available for students interested in applying for ASG secretary. The candidates must collect 50 signatures by noon Thursday, Jan. 16, in order to complete the registration process. Students applying are encouraged to get at least 60 signatures in case the validity of any signatures come into question. Signatures must be from current students enrolled in at least one credit hour at the University of Arkansas. The office of student activities will certify the validity of each student who has signed the petition, which must include name, signature and student ID number.

The ASG Secretary position is open to all full-time University of Arkansas students who meet co-curricular requirements. The person elected will serve the remainder of the 2013-14 academic year.

Candidate orientation meetings will occur at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, and Thursday, Jan. 16, in Arkansas Union Room 504.

Elections will commence at 9 a.m. on Jan. 26 and conclude at 4 p.m. on Jan. 29 at

The packet including petitions and deadlines can be found at The application period for Secretary will begin Monday, Jan. 13.

No late applications or petitions will be accepted.

For questions or concerns, e-mail ASG Elections Commissioner, Jeff Martin at


Associated Student Government,
Office of Student Activities

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