Fall 2013 Graduation Distribution Starts Today
The University of Arkansas would like to welcome U of A faculty and staff members, as well as the fall 2013 graduating class, to Graduation Distribution. Graduation Distribution will be held on site at the University of Arkansas Bookstore, located at 616 N. Garland Avenue, Wednesday, Dec. 18, and Thursday, Dec. 19, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, Dec. 20, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, Dec. 21, from 7:30 a.m. to noon.
Students: Fall 2013 graduates, who missed Graduate Salute, can come to Graduation Distribution to pickup their regalia and make any last minute exchanges for sizes.
Faculty: Regalia can be paid for with cash, check, all major credit cards, and departmental blanket PO numbers. If your department pays for your regalia please bring this information with you. The Bookstore cannot store this information. Faculty and staff will receive an email confirmation immediately after picking up regalia. Generic regalia is also available for faculty who have missed the order deadline.
The deadline to return all rental regalia is Jan. 3. Returns after this date are subject to a late fee. After commencement please return all rental regalia (including cap, gown, tassel, and hood) to the General Books cashier counter located just to the right of the Bookstore’s main entrance. Faculty will receive a confirmation email immediately after returning regalia. Departments returning regalia in bulk must ensure the faculty names for each set of regalia are clearly and individually marked.
If you have additional questions about Graduation Distribution visit the U of A Bookstore’s graduation page at www.uofastore.com/graduation
Emmy Barr, marketing manager
University of Arkansas Bookstore
479-575-2156, esbarr@uark.edu