Quality Initiative Proposal Available on Provost's Website
The University of Arkansas is applying for reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. The reaccreditation team will visit in the 2016-17 academic year.
In preparation for this visit, the university's Quality Initiative Steering Committee has identified several initiatives that are designed to increase retention, graduation, and degree completion rates. These proposals are detailed in the university's Quality Initiative Proposal. A draft of this document is now available for you to view on the provost's website and can be downloaded as a PDF.
The Quality Initiative Steering Committee consists of the following members:
- Carolyn Allen, dean of University Libraries
- Mark Arnold, associate professor and undergraduate coordinator, mathematical sciences
- Steve Beaupre, professor, biological sciences
- Mark Boyer, department head, landscape architecture
- Paul Cronan, professor, M.D. Matthews Endowed Chair, information systems
- Norm Dennis, interim associate eean for academic programs in civil engineering and co-chair of Teaching and Faculty Support Center
- Ro Di Brezzo, vice provost for academic affairs
- Sharon Gaber, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs
- Adrienne Gaines, associate director of student services, Freshman Engineering Program
- Gary Gunderman, director of institutional research
- Karen Hodges,* executive director of academic success
- Janine Parry, professor, political science
- Janet Penner-Williams, assistant dean, College of Education and Health Professions
- John Pijanowski,* associate professor, educational leadership
Lona Robertson, associate dean, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Kathy Van Laningham, vice provost for planning
- Jeannie Whayne, professor of history and co-director of Teaching and Faculty Support Center
* = co-chair of committee
The Quality Initiative Proposal can be accessed at provost.uark.edu.
Dr. Ro Di Brezzo, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
479-575-2152, rdibrezz@uark.edu