Celebrate the World: International Education Week Brings World Cultures to U of A Community
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas will celebrate International Education Week with a series of internationally themed events and activities on campus Nov. 10-17.
Activities begin with the Diwali Banquet celebrating the Hindu “festival of lights” on Sunday, Nov. 10, and conclude Sunday, Nov. 17, with the annual “Taste of Africa.” The week is a celebration of U of A students’ engagement and knowledge of the cultures, peoples and languages in countries around the world.
“This is the university’s 14th year participating in International Education Week since it was started by the Department of State and Department of Education in 2000,” said Cynthia Smith, chair of the event and assistant director for outreach programs in the Office of International Students and Scholars. “Each year, our international education team builds momentum to bring more global opportunities and diversity education to our growing campus.”
International Education Week is being coordinated by the Office of International Students and Scholars, the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange, Spring International Language Center, the Holcombe Hall International Living Learning Community, and the International Student Organization.
These are a few of the events that highlight opportunities for international education:
- Diwali Banquet – 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 10, Verizon Ballroom. Diwali, or Dipawali, is India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year. The Friends of India celebrate with food, dance and other festivities. This is a ticketed event. Email india@uark.edu for ticket information.
- International Dress Day – Monday, Nov. 11. Students are invited to wear their favorite international clothing, sports jersey, hat, scarf or other item for this all-day event. An International Dress Day Photo will be taken at 11 a.m. in the International Connections Lounge of the Arkansas Union to officially kick off the week’s events.
- International Bazaar– 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., Monday, Nov. 11, International Connections Lounge. Music, dance, entertainment, traditional clothing, international food and interactive activities will be available.
- In Their Shoes–1-3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12, Arkansas Union Rooms 512-514. This session will focus on the unique challenges and restrictions faced by international students in the United States.
- Dance Around the World – 7-9 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12, Holcombe Hall Living Room. Dance Around the World allows students from different cultures to show their heritage through dance.
- “What’s Behind my Flag?” Panel Discussion – 3:30-4:45 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13, Holcombe Hall Classroom. This student panel discussion is designed to promote cultural awareness and diversity education on campus and in the community by helping students share their culture and who they are.
- Taste of Africa – 6-9 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 17, Fayetteville Town Center. The African Student Organization is creating an African wedding atmosphere to host performances, a fashion show, trivia and more. This is a ticketed event, and tickets will be distributed on Nov. 12 and 13 in the Union food court. For ticket information contact african@uark.edu.
For more information about these events and others, visit http://iew.uark.edu. Please check the website regularly as more events will be added.
There are two aspects to international education at the University of Arkansas – students who come to Fayetteville from foreign countries and U of A students who take the opportunity to study abroad.
“We are excited this year that we have surpassed 1,300 enrolled international students at the University of Arkansas and 700 U of A students studying outside the United States,” said Michael Freeman, director of international students and scholars. “Through the university’s recruitment and retention efforts, we enrolled international students from 116 countries. Spring International Language Center surpassed 200 students in the intensive English language program. We also hosted 310 international scholars, of whom 34 are faculty and 276 are conducting research or providing support services.”
“Last year, the University of Arkansas had a record number of students studying abroad – 733 students in 42 countries across the globe,” said Sarah Malloy, study abroad coordinator. “The total percentage of U of A students who participated in study abroad increased 21 percent from the previous academic year.”
“China has the largest delegation of students on campus, followed by India, Panama, Bolivia and Vietnam,” said Namiko Bagirimvano, assistant director in the international students and scholars office. “Thanks to a diverse student body, we are able to provide a wide range of cultural experiences for both the campus and the community. I am very thankful for those students who are active in educational and cultural events and programs to share their beautiful cultures. International Education Week will be a great chance for members of the campus community to know more about countries that are represented at the U of A.”
Cynthia Smith, assistant director for outreach programs
Office of International Students and Scholars
479-575-5003, csmith@uark.edu
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations