Textbook Charge Program to End
The textbook charge program begun last summer at the request of student leadership has been canceled and will not be available effective with the upcoming spring semester. This change comes at the request of the state House/Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.
At hearings held last month the university was asked to stop the program unless a way could be found to include private bookstores in the program. After studying the issue, the university reached the same conclusion that it had earlier that there is no legal way to extend the credit to private businesses.
For the fall semester approximately 4,000 students used the program, placing about $1.3 million in textbooks and required class materials on their student accounts for repayment over the course of the semester.
University officials regret that they will not be able to continue this service to students, but commit to continued efforts to hold down the cost of educational materials.
The university bookstore accepts credit cards, offers used textbooks, and textbook rentals. Some eBooks are also available as downloads from the Internet. Future growth is foreseen in the availability of both eBooks and rental books.