New Graduation Kiosk Center Opens at the U of A Bookstore
The University of Arkansas Bookstore is pleased to announce the grand opening of their new interactive graduation kiosk. The kiosk was unveiled and opened for business Oct. 25, and since its introduction, U of A Bookstore director Ali Sadeghi has noticed students, faculty and staff enjoying what all the kiosk has to offer.
The U of A Bookstore worked with the university's graduation vendor and a university-assigned architect to design the 10-foot-by-18-foot unit, which is placed near the entrance of the store. The display provides informational signage, brochures, merchandise samples, and touchscreen technology to make buying for graduation as easy for customers as possible.
"This really anchors our students," Sadeghi said, "It shows them that, ultimately, what we are here for is to make sure they go through the graduation ceremony."
He added that he believes this is a first-of-its-kind project nationwide.
Sadeghi continued, "It has been a dream of ours to coordinate a center where people can get information on graduation in an up-to-date fashion, making sure it's right at their fingertips. With all the push we are doing here at the University of Arkansas on increasing retention, it only seemed natural for us to have an area where we can remind our students and their parents about the fruits of our work and why we are all here. We are looking forward to introducing the kiosk to the entire campus community."
At the graduation kiosk, students can order graduation regalia, class rings, official announcements, and diploma frames. U of A faculty and staff can rent and purchase their regalia from the kiosk as well. The kiosk will be live and available for use throughout all semesters.
For additional information about the graduation kiosk or the U of A Bookstore you can visit them online at
Emmy Barr, marketing manager
University of Arkansas Bookstore