Health Care Funding Trends Focus of Webinar
Hanover Research Inc., a grant development agency contracted to the University of Arkansas, will present an informational webinar “Healthcare Funding Forecasting” at noon CST on Wednesday, Nov. 13.
The webinar is available and free to all University of Arkansas researchers, but participants must register to receive log-in information.
During the webinar, experts from Hanover Research will share new developments and trends in funding patient-centered care delivery, community wellness programs and health care workforce development, including immediate and projected effects of the federal appropriations process and how corporate and private foundations are leading, and responding to, health funding trends. The webinar will also highlight investments and funding priorities of several high-profile foundations and federal agencies.
Additional information and registration is available at Hanover Webinar on Healthcare Funding Forecasting.
Cynthia Sagers, interim associate vice provost
Academic Affairs