Onnissia Harries Selected as October's Student Leader of the Month
Senior Onnissia "Oni" Harries has been selected as the Student Leader of the Month for October.
Originally from Palm Desert, Calif., Harries came to the University of Arkansas to major in communication. Harries currently serves as the president of Residents' Interhall Congress and participates in the National Residence Hall Honorary, PRIDE, and the Gender Neutral Housing Work Group.
When asked why she became involved in these activities, Harries said, "I wanted to do something with myself, and when I joined these organizations, I realized I could actually do something to improve my community. I don't think that many students realize that they wield the power to change things as they see fit because it is only through action, passion, and motivation that these changes are accomplished. At the end of the day, the only thing that can really stop you is yourself."
Harries advises her peers and emerging student leaders to remember that "you'll only get what you're willing to invest. Be passionate. Be unapologetic. And most importantly – be daring."
The Student Leader of the Month award, sponsored by New Student & Family Programs, recognizes University of Arkansas undergraduate students for their excellence in leadership through campus involvement, leadership activities, or through volunteer and community service. More information about the award can be found at http://nsfp.uark.edu/4483.php. All nomination forms should be submitted to Jordan Scribner, graduate assistant for New Student & Family Programs, via email at jascribn@uark.edu by the first Friday of each month.
Jordan Scribner, Graduate Assistant
New Student & Family Programs
479-575-5002, jascribn@uark.edu