Littrell Receives National Economic Education Award
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Rita Littrell, director of the Bessie B. Moore Center for Economic Education of the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, received the Abbejean Kehler Technology Award at the National Association of Economic Educators annual Council for Economic Education conference.
The award, presented Oct. 4, recognized Littrell for her use of technology to improve the delivery of economic education programs.
Littrell encourages economics teachers across Arkansas to utilize all forms of technology — including smart phones, webinars, Facebook or podcasts — during her training sessions and when they return to the classroom. Littrell cited the need to innovate in order to reach younger educators and, in turn, their students. She noted that the Walton College's technology center support made this easy for her.
"I was truly humbled to receive this recognition from our national organization," Littrell said. "Past recipients were creators of technology products for our network. I was the first recognized for using technology in creative ways to support teachers and their teaching of economic education in grades K-12. It is a real honor to know that our national network recognizes that Arkansas is a leader in economic education and technology."
Littrell has served on the association's technology committee, coordinated technology sessions at the annual conference, participated in the first Training-of-Trainers for Virtual Economics, and promotes technology products in all teacher training programs. Due to Littrell's leadership in the use of technology, more educators have participated in economic education trainings, have easier access to economics training and resources, and have learned strategies for incorporating technology into their lessons.
Heather Grosze, a business educator in Rogers, Ark., Heritage High wrote, "because of Dr. Littrell's love of education, love of economics, love of learning, and love of technology, I have been blessed with a mentor who helped me go from being a 'good' educator to being an 'excellent' educator."
Lori McLemore, Marketing and Communications Officer
Sam M. Walton College of Business