Homecoming Queen Elections Begin Today
Homecoming elections are here! Associated Student Government invites students to cast their votes for the selection of the 2013 Homecoming Queen.
The five selected members of the 2013 Homecoming Court will vie for Homecoming Queen. Students are invited to vote for their Homecoming Queen from the selected women. The Queen will be announced at the Homecoming Pep Rally on Friday, Oct. 11. The 2013 Homecoming Court members along with their class years, majors, and nominating organizations are:
- Elaina Blando – senior, psychology major nominated by PanHellenic Council
- Kaprisha Fields – senior, advertising/public relations major nominated by the National Society of Black Engineers
- Holly Hilliard – senior, industrial engineering major nominated by Pi Beta Phi
- Maggie Jo Pruitt – senior, agricultural education, communication, and technology major nominated by Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow
- Autumn Lewis – senior, political science/economics major nominated by Associated Student Government and Young Democrats
Polls will open at 9 a.m. Monday, Oct. 7, and close at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9. Students can vote at vote.uark.edu. For any questions about the voting process, please contact the office of student activities at 479-575-5255.
Rudy Trejo, Assistant Director
Office of Student Activities
479-575-5255, rgtrejo@uark.edu