On Your Own: Off-Campus Living Fair Set for Oct. 9
Students will have the chance to see what living options they have when moving off campus at the On Your Own: Off-Campus Living Fair to be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9, in the International Connections Lounge of the Arkansas Union.
Property management representatives from local living communities will participate in the fair, along with Legal Aid of Arkansas, city of Fayetteville Community Services, and several other relevant organizations. Students will have an opportunity to win more than $500 in gas and gift cards, Apple iPads, Apple iPad Minis, a GoPro Halo 3, and gift baskets. Students can learn about transportation options and safety tips, budgeting and credit, off-campus meal plans, good neighbor relations, and many other community and campus resources.
The University of Arkansas requires first-year students to live on campus, with few exceptions. As students advance in their collegiate career, they tend to move off-campus into apartments and other rental properties in the local community. Now is the time when many students begin navigating the search for affordable, safe housing as they prepare to live on their own for the first time. Students who are interested in continuing to reside on campus, or are looking to move on campus, have the opportunity to sign a contract with Housing beginning October 9 as well.
“This is the first time we are having a full-scale fair in the fall semester. We want students to realize it is never too early to start thinking about housing options for the following year. Knowing about many choices upfront can help prevent making a snap decision late in the spring semester,” said Samantha Fehr, coordinator of traditional commuter programs.
For more information about the fair, please contact Samantha Fehr at 479-575-7351 or e-mail sfehr@uark.edu. The On Your Own: Off-Campus Living Fair is a partnership of Off Campus Connections at the University of Arkansas and the city of Fayetteville Community Services Division.
Samantha Fehr, Coordinator of Traditional Commuter Programs
Off Campus Connections
479-575-7351, sfehr@uark.edu