Life Styles Art on Display at Resource Fair

Artwork such as these pieces by clients of Life Styles Inc. will be on display at the resource fair.
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Artwork such as these pieces by clients of Life Styles Inc. will be on display at the resource fair.

Art by clients of Life Styles will be displayed during a daylong community resource fair Tuesday, Oct. 1, as part of the University of Arkansas’ observance of Disability Awareness Month in October. Life Styles Inc. is a nonprofit organization established in 1976 that serves people with disabilities in Benton and Washington counties. The artwork is created by participants in the College for Living – Art Program.

The Community Resource Fair and Art Exhibit will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the International Connections Lounge, Arkansas Union, University of Arkansas.

The event is sponsored by the Center for Educational Access at the University of Arkansas and Sources for Community Independent Living Services in Fayetteville. The Community Resource Fair is designed for students, faculty, staff and the public and will feature informational booths promoting community resources and information dedicated to inclusion and community participation.

Disability service providers and agencies will be on hand to assist people with disabilities, their family members and the public. Information about volunteer opportunities with area disability-service providers will also be available. 


Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions

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