Have You Applied to Graduate?
Congratulations to all the students who are graduating this fall!
One of the first steps in the graduation process is applying to graduate. The graduation application deadline for the fall 2013 term is Monday, Oct. 1. Students must apply by this deadline to be included in the commencement program. Students who apply after the deadline will be charged a $25 late fee.
As part of the graduation application process, students will also have the opportunity to register their participation in the 2013 Fall Commencement Ceremony, to be held in Barnhill Arena on Saturday, Dec. 21.
Information on applying to graduate can be found at registrar.uark.edu/968.php.
Fall commencement information can be found at registrar.uark.edu/1376.php.
Students with questions about graduation should contact their dean’s office or the office of the registrar.
Dave Dawson, registrar and associate vice provost
Enrollment Services
479-575-5451, daved@uark.edu