Peer Resilience Coaches Complete RAZORwell Training
If you happened to be at Lake Wedington last weekend, Sept. 20-21, you may have spotted several University of Arkansas students practicing yoga along the lake's shore. Students in attendance were introduced to the principles of wellness, positive psychology, and coping, as well as techniques to practice mindfulness, yoga, and assertiveness to become Peer Resilience Coaches.
RAZORwell (Resilience And Zest Offer Renewal) is a new initiative coordinated by staff in the department of wellness and health promotion at the Pat Walker Health Center. RAZORwell was awarded a grant from the Vice Provost of Student Affairs Executive Advisory Board in spring 2013 to be used during the 2013-14 academic year. In collaboration with University Housing, five undergraduate students were selected to pilot the yearlong program in Yocum and Maple Hill South residence halls.
One student in attendance, Amanda Eddy, said the most significant part of the training for her was, "practicing the techniques in my everyday life, such as using yoga, mindful breathing, and positive psychology to make my life less stressful."
Starting in October 2013 through April 2014, the Peer Resilience Coaches will facilitate peer resilience education and coaching programs in the two residence halls. Assessment will be conducted to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of this initiative throughout the year.
"Training of Peer Resilience Coaches is one part of an ever-growing movement on our campus to introduce students to proactive strategies and practices to help them cope more effectively with anxiety and stress and move toward higher levels of personal wellness," Ed Mink, director of the department of wellness and promotion.
To learn more about wellness initiatives on campus such as: coaching, outreach programs, or academic courses focused on resilience, thriving and mindfulness please contact
Katie Gottshalk, Assistant Director of Communications
Pat Walker Health Center