Paid Study for Healthy Female Adult Drinkers
The Laboratory for Anxiety and Substance Abuse Research at the University of Arkansas is conducting a study designed to examine the effects of alcohol on how people process information.
Currently the laboratory is looking for healthy female adults who drink alcohol, but don't have anxiety problems, for the study's control group. If you a current drinker and are over the age of 21, you may be eligible to participate in the study. Participation in this study will contribute to knowledge that will help people with alcohol and anxiety problems.
Pending eligibility requirements, you will be compensated up to $110 for your time.
If interested, please contact the laboratory at 479-575-3963 and ask about the Alcohol Study.
Additional information may also be found by clicking on the "Alcohol Study" link at the laboratory's website,
Alex Melkonian, Laboratory Coordinator
Psychological Science