Camping Policies and Procedures: Arkansas vs. Texas A&M
The camping procedures issued by the University of Arkansas during last year's football season will be in place for the Razorbacks vs. Texas A&M game on Saturday, Sept. 28. In general, camping activities and those who participate in them must abide by any and all University of Arkansas System, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and State of Arkansas applicable laws, policies and procedures. These procedures have been put in place in order to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of students, the University community, and the public, as well as safeguarding and preserving all University property and facilities. Of specific note, the following must be followed:
- Camping will be permitted at Gate 17 for student entry to the game starting at exactly 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26. Registration for camping will begin at 6 p.m. and last until 11 p.m. Students can continue to set up and camp after the 11pm registration time but must immediately register their tent on Friday morning at 8 a.m. Students who arrive after registration has closed on Thursday must register immediately the next day. Failure to do this could result in their spot being lost. The process will resume on Friday, Sept. 27, at 8 a.m. until 11 p.m.
- Campers may register up to 10 campers per tent. Campers must register with student affairs staff members or ASG student marshals who will be present for this purpose. All registered campers must be currently enrolled U of A students.
- All registered campers must attend their scheduled classes, drills, labs, and other academic commitments during the camping period. Camping is not an excuse to skip class, miss a test, or submit an assignment late.
- One registered camper from each tent must remain with the tent at all times. If a tent is left unattended at any time, the tent may be removed by university or ASG personnel. Through the tent registration process, campers will be asked to provide a tent captain's name and telephone number. This person will serve as the contact person for their registered tent.
- Tents and other camping equipment must be removed by noon on Saturday, Sept. 28. The full tent party must be present four hours prior to kick off in order to secure their rightful spot in line.
- Cutting and other forms of saving spots will not be tolerated and violators will be asked to move to the back of the line. Students who witness cutting or saving spots are asked to report it to student affairs staff or ASG student marshals accordingly.
- Tents or equipment must not be affixed to University property. Tents must not be staked into the ground. Building, driveway, street, parking lot, and stairway access must not be blocked or compromised from entry/exit.
- University electrical outlets must not be used.
- Grilling, cooking, heating, or any use of open flames is strictly prohibited. Generators that emit gas or fumes are prohibited.
- The campus noise ordinance must be followed.
- Every tent is responsible for disposing of trash and properly. Campers should bring trash bags to collect trash at their campsite. Trash must be disposed of in receptacles provided by the University or event organizers or sponsors.
- All policies outlined in the U of A Code of Student Life apply.
- Alcohol and tobacco use is prohibited.
- Non-adherence to these restrictions may result in loss of camping and/or ticket privileges.
Razorback Fan Code of Conduct
Razorback fans are the best of the best. They model this by loudly supporting the Razorbacks and displaying respect and good sportsmanship toward the visiting team and visiting fans. However, the NCAA, SEC, and UA have assigned a high priority to assuring athletic events are conducted in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere which promotes good sportsmanship by spectators, student-athletes, and coaches. We request your cooperation by supporting the participants, officials and event management
Prohibited Behavior: Spectators are reminded that security personal have authority to remove from the stadium, anyone engaged in unsafe or inappropriate conduct including: profanity, racial, sexist, or other abusive or intimidating comments or actions directed at officials, event management staff, student-athletes, coaches, team representatives or other fans. Fighting, smoking in public areas and drunkenness will not be tolerated. Throwing of any objects in the stadium is forbidden. UA policy strictly prohibits anyone from entering the sideline or field without proper credentials.
Enforcement: Violations of any UA athletic event policies are subject to removal from the site of competition, or arrest and/or loss of ticket privileges. The University of Arkansas reserves the right to remove the ticket holder from the premises if, in the sole opinion of the security personnel, the ticket holder's conduct endangers or disrupts the environment.
SEC Policy Regarding Fan Behavior
Access to Competition Area
In all sports, access to the competition area shall be limited to participating student-athletes, coaches, officials, support personnel and properly-credentialed individuals at all times. For the safety of participants and spectators alike, at no time before, during or after a contest shall spectators be permitted to enter the competition area. It is the responsibility of each member institution to implement procedures to ensure compliance with this policy. Institutional penalties against individuals who improperly enter the competition area shall include, but not be limited to, expulsion from the facility, arrest for trespassing, and the loss of future ticket privileges. In addition to these three penalties, violators who are students shall be subject to institutional student disciplinary measures.
Each institution is responsible for publicizing this policy, as well as the penalties associated with violations, through appropriate means, such as ticket back statements, public address announcements, video/matrix announcements, facility signage and other means available. It is likewise the responsibility of each head coach to publicly discourage spectators from entering the playing area at any time.
Penalties for institutional violations – In the sports of football, men's basketball and women's basketball, at the discretion of the Commissioner: 1st offense: an institutional fine of $5,000; 2nd offense: an institutional fine of up to $25,000; 3rd offense or subsequent offense: an institutional fine of up to $50,000. If an institution is penalized and subsequently does not have a violation for a period of three years (from the date of the violation), that subsequent violation shall be considered a 2nd offense.
Language, Signage, and Chants
The use by any coach, student-athlete, support personnel or spectator of vulgar, racist, or sexist language or signage is strictly prohibited at all conference competition facilities. As a reminder, signs are not permitted unless they have received prior approval (24 hours in advance). The number to call to receive approval for your sign is 479-575- 3134. Orchestrated verbal chants or foul language directed at visiting student-athletes, coaches, team personnel, or fans are also prohibited. It is the responsibility of each institution to institute procedures to prevent such occurrences, including ticket back statements, public address announcement, video/matrix announcements, facility signage and other means available. Institutional penalties against spectators engaging in such behavior shall include, but not be limited to, expulsion from the facility and the loss of future ticket privileges. Penalties against coaches, student-athletes or support personnel are outlined in the NCAA rules for the respective sports and are administered by the competition officials.
Penalties for institutional violations – On a yearly (by school year) basis and at the discretion of the Commissioner: 1st offense: a private or public notification and reprimand of the institution; 2nd or subsequent: and institutional fine of up to $5,000.
Question: Austin Cole, ASG director of athletics ,
Austin Cole, ASG Director of Athletics
Associated Student Government