Last Wednesday's Release of iOS 7 Set Record for University Network Traffic

The University of Arkansas campus network set a record for inbound Internet traffic on Wednesday, Sept. 18. The 2-gigabyte-per-second network pipe capacity was exceeded for the first time as the new iOS 7 released by Apple was downloaded on Wednesday afternoon. The University of Arkansas was not the only higher education organization to experience such extreme spikes in network traffic on that day.

In 2007, the university supported a 150-megabyte pipe that was regularly filled to capacity. The campus network now provides a 2-gigabyte-per-second pipe that manages average traffic peaks of 1.4 gigabytes per second. On Wednesday, ARE-ON, the Arkansas Research and Education Optical Network, temporarily lifted the cap on inbound Internet traffic, which allowed network usage to spike to 6 gigabytes per second. A screenshot of the network traffic monitor showing the spike is available at

Real time network status is available at For updates and information about the campus network, follow the Network Engineering Team on Twitter at or like them on Facebook at

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Erin Griffin, Documentation/User Support Specialist
IT Services

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