Walton College Career Closet Overstock Benefits U of A Students

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On Sept. 10, the George W. Edwards Jr. Career Development Center in the Sam M. Walton College of Business hosted a professional clothing event to giveaway overstock items from the Walton College Career Closet. The event was open to all currently enrolled University of Arkansas students, who were permitted to take up to four items free of charge. Over 65 U of A students, representing all colleges on campus, took over 190 items of business casual and professional attire from the overstock event.

Twelve Leadership Walton members volunteered during the event to monitor student traffic and assist with the checkout process.

The Career Closet opened in August 2010 as a resource of business casual and business professional attire available, free of charge, to all currently enrolled Walton College students. During its regular hours of operation, Leadership Walton volunteers manage the Closet.

For more information on the Leadership Walton, please visit: waltoncollege.uark.edu/career/lwoverview.asp.

For more information on the Career Closet, please visit: waltoncollege.uark.edu/career/closet.asp.


Sara Phillips,
Walton College Career Center
575-6415, yell@uark.edu

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