Mental Health First Aid and Suicide Awareness
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A suicide prevention program specifically designed for college students to teach them “mental health first aid" will be held from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 11, in the Home Economics Auditorium, room 0102. The curriculum, developed by the Jason Flatt Foundation aims to provide students the knowledge, skills and strategies they need to help a friend, themselves, or anyone who might be experiencing severe depression or considering suicide.
The two hour program is open to all college students, but is targeted particularly to resident hall assistants and students with social work, psychology, counseling, or health education majors. Representatives from local agencies will conduct the program, which is organized by the Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society, the U of A chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the Northwest Arkansas Suicide Prevention Coalition.
Mary Katherine McKinley, president
Phi Alpha National Honor Society
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations