Faculty Summer Teaching Camp: 'Deep Learning' Another Success
Seventy University of Arkansas faculty spent two days a the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute on Petit Jean Mountain for a faculty teaching retreat, Aug. 4-6, focusing on improving their teaching.
The main topic of the retreat was "What do the Best Teachers (and Students) Do? Fostering Deep Learning with Natural Critical Learning Environments," with guest speaker Ken Bain, author of What the Best College Teachers Do, and also What the Best College Students Do.
This two-day retreat is yet another program designed to enhance the teaching mission of the University, sponsored by the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center. This year's faculty development program focused on Bain's research about what the best college teachers and students do and how to promote deep learning and critical thinking.
There were also breakout sessions conducted by U of A faculty on several other topics. Session titles included Learning Styles – Do We Get it Right?; iPhone, iPad, Clickers, and Surface Pro; Flipped Classes (Distance or Face-2-Face); Teaching Large Classes; Effectively Using Blackboard in the Classroom; Critical Thinking in Class; Tips and Strategies for New Academics; Online Learning Methodology; Assessment of Learning; How to Mentor Other Faculty; Use of Projects; Engaging Students; and Teaching a Seminar or Small Class.
For more information, go to tfsc.uark.edu.
Lori Libbert, Special Events Manager
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center
575-3222, tfsc@uark.edu