ASG-Provided Clicker Rentals and Testing Materials Ease Student Financial Burden
In an effort to ease some of the financial burdens of college life, the Associated Student Government has purchased 30 clickers and bulk quantities of scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials.
Clickers are available to all University of Arkansas students, on a first come, first serve basis. The rental agreements are for one semester. Interested students can find the application at
The application period for the clicker-rental application begins Aug. 26 and will be open until all clickers have been reserved.
"The Associated Student Government works hard to ensure students have the resources necessary to live their college experience to fullest, not only outside that classroom, but within it as well. That is why we are proud to give students an alternative to buying class clickers out right through our clicker-rental program," said ASG President Bo Renner.
Any questions should be referred to ASG Chief of Staff Autumn Lewis at or 575-5201.
In addition, Associated Student Government purchased bulk quantities of scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials available for free for students. Students can visit the ASG office, Arkansas Union A669 (above the Union Living Room), to select the appropriate materials required by their instructors.
"The Associated Student Government is dedicated to serving students in all facets of campus life. One way that we are doing this is by providing testing materials (scantrons, blue books, etc.) for all students," said Renner.
Testing materials are accessible from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Students are asked to take only what they need. Any questions should be referred to Lewis at
Autumn Lewis, ASG Chief of Staff
Associated Student Government