Unlimited Digital Certificates Sponsored by IT Services

IT Services now sponsors and supports the InCommon Certificate Service, which allows unlimited digital security certificates free of charge for University of Arkansas departments.

The InCommon Certificate Service, supported by the IT Services Security Team, provides three types of certificates: server certificates to secure communication with Web servers, code signing certificates to assure the authenticity of university developer code, and personal (S/MIME) certificates to sign and encrypt email. Digital certificates are granted via Comodo, a trusted commercial Certificate Authority.

Digital certificates assure users that Web content and applications are legitimately hosted on the uark.edu domain. Certificates can also be used to digitally sign email and confirm the identity of the sender. Code signing certificates verify that the source code of an application has not been altered or corrupted.

To obtain a certificate, follow the instructions at https://techarticles.uark.edu/security/security_requesting_ssl_certificate.

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Erin Griffin, Documentation/User Support Specialist
IT Services
479-575-2901, ecgriff@uark.edu

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