University of Arkansas Waives Senior Citizen Tuition
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Arkansas residents who are 60 years of age or older are encouraged to enroll in credit courses at the University of Arkansas, tuition freeon a space-available basis.
College courses engage older learners in challenging and intellectually stimulating programs, and senior Razorbacks lend wisdom and experience to traditional students in an academic environment, said Julie Crawford, coordinator of senior citizen admissions for university.
“I have found that senior-citizen applicants want to stay active and continue to learn,” added Crawford, who has 25 years of experience in enrollment services with the U of A.
“Some take classes to complete a degree, while others take classes in areas that interest them. Senior citizens desiring to take classes at the University of Arkansas can apply online or they may come to the admissions office and we will assist them in completing the application.”
Suzanne McCray, the university’s vice provost for enrollment services, said Crawford has been instrumental in creating a welcoming environment for senior citizens by assisting them through the admissions process.
“Senior citizens are a valued part of the campus community, and we are pleased that so many are choosing to attend the University of Arkansas,” McCray said. “With Julie’s support along with the able help of others in admissions, our outreach to this community has greatly increased, and the enrollment has grown steadily. We very much want that trend to continue, making higher education as accessible to senior citizens as possible.”
Senior citizens wishing to enroll in a fall program should apply for admission as soon as possible to ensure they are admitted before the Aug 23 registration period. In addition to completing the application for admission, participating senior citizens are asked to provide age verification by completing the Senior Citizen Tuition Fee Waiver form.
For more details about becoming a senior Razorback, call the office of admissions at 479-575-5346 or 1-800-377-8632.
Julie Crawford, senior citizen outreach coordinator
Office of Admissions
Matt Hargis, associate director
Office of Admissions