Red, White & True's 50 Percent Recognition Day Today
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KUAF employees posed with their cupcakes during one of last year’s 50 percent recognition days. The group has once again achieved 100% participation in the 2013 Red, White & True effort.
With four weeks remaining in the 2013 Red, White & True effort, we've already achieved a 28 percent university-wide participation rate in this year's faculty and staff giving program! That's an impressive 1,339 University of Arkansas employees who've already made a gift of any size this fiscal year to the program or initiative they care about most.
What's more, 32 departments on campus have already reached or exceeded the 50 percent participation mark! To celebrate and say thanks, mini red velvet cupcakes and Red, White & True buttons will be delivered today to the offices listed below during the first 50 percent recognition day of the 2013 effort.
Congratulations also go to the following nine groups that have achieved a perfect 100 percent participation rate this year: the chancellor's office, constituent relations, KUAF, the Middle East studies program, Off Campus Connections, special events, the technology licensing office, the vice chancellor for university advancement's office and the vice president for agriculture's office.
There's still time to get involved! Gifts of any size received by June 30 will be counted in the 2013 effort and will help us beat last year's record of 30 percent participation university-wide. Gifts can be designated to any scholarship, program, college or department at the U of A, so make a difference for the area you're most passionate about and help boost your department's participation rate before the next 50 percent recognition day, slated for Wednesday, June 19.
For more information or to make your gift today, please visit the faculty/staff page of the Annual Fund.
The following departments are being recognized for reaching or exceeding 50 percent participation as of May 28:
- Chancellor's Office (100 percent)
- Constituent Relations (100 percent)
- KUAF (100 percent)
- Middle East Studies Program (100 percent)
- Off Campus Connections (100 percent)
- Special Events (100 percent)
- Technology Licensing Office (100 percent)
- Vice Chancellor for University Advancement's Office (100 percent)
- Vice President for Agriculture's Office (100 percent)
- Arkansas Alumni Association (81 percent)
- University Development (81 percent)
- Journalism (80 percent)
- Cash Management (67 percent)
- Conferences (67 percent)
- Integrated Student Information System (67 percent)
- Office of Student Abroad and International Exchange (67 percent)
- Utility Operations and Maintenance Administration (67 percent)
- Vice Provost for Diversity's Office (67 percent)
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs' Office (62 percent)
- Baseball (60 percent)
- Freshman Engineering Program (60 percent)
- Enhanced Learning Center (60 percent)
- Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History (60 percent)
- Law School Dean's Office (58 percent)
- Boyer Center for Student Services (56 percent)
- Career Services (56 percent)
- School of Architecture Dean's Office (55 percent)
- Communication (54 percent)
- School of Social Work (52 percent)
- Drama (50 percent)
- Engineering Dean's Office (50 percent)
- Legal Services (50 percent)
Merin Macechko, Associate Director of Annual Programs
University Development