Arkansas Law School Web Home Page Ranked Third Nationally
An article published by the Georgetown University Law Center ranks the University of Arkansas School of Law home page third in the nation. The article, “Top 10 Law School Home Pages of 2012,” measures objective criteria “to find the best-designed, best-performing sites” among the 202 law schools accredited by the American Bar Association.
The authors, Georgetown Law associate law librarian Roger Skalbeck and web applications manager Matt Zimmerman, evaluated 26 elements in three broad categories (design patterns and metadata, accessibility and validation, and marketing and communications) for each law school home page. The University of Arkansas home page received 18 of a possible 22 points in design patterns and metadata, 34 of a possible 36 points in the accessibility and validation category and a perfect score in marketing and communications.
Home pages that incorporated responsive design, which automatically adjusts page layout and images based on the viewer’s screen size, received bonus points. The University of Arkansas home page was one of only 14 nationally to incorporate responsive design.
To read the article in its entirety, visit
Andy Albertson, director of communications
School of Law